"E aconteceu que, estando ele só, orando, estavam com ele os discípulos; e perguntou-lhes, dizendo: Quem diz a multidão que eu sou?
E, respondendo eles, disseram: João o Batista; outros, Elias, e outros que um dos antigos profetas ressuscitou.E disse-lhes: E vós, quem dizeis que eu sou? E, respondendo Pedro, disse: O Cristo de Deus.E, admoestando-os, mandou que a ninguém referissem isso,Dizendo: É necessário que o Filho do homem padeça muitas coisas, e seja rejeitado dos anciãos e dos escribas, e seja morto, e ressuscite ao terceiro dia. E dizia a todos:
Se alguém quer vir após mim, negue-se a si mesmo, e tome cada dia a sua cruz, e siga-me." (Lucas 9)
"It happened, as he was praying, the disciples were with him, and asked them, saying,
Whom say the people who I am?
They answered and said, John the Baptist, others Elijah, and others that one of the ancient prophets ressuscitou.E told them: And who do you say I am? And Peter answering said, The Christ of God.and, admonishing them, and commanded that no man that thing, saying: It is necessary that the Son of man must suffer many things andbe rejected of the elders and scribes and be killed And raised the third day.
And he said to all:
If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and followme. "(Luke 9)
E, respondendo eles, disseram: João o Batista; outros, Elias, e outros que um dos antigos profetas ressuscitou.E disse-lhes: E vós, quem dizeis que eu sou? E, respondendo Pedro, disse: O Cristo de Deus.E, admoestando-os, mandou que a ninguém referissem isso,Dizendo: É necessário que o Filho do homem padeça muitas coisas, e seja rejeitado dos anciãos e dos escribas, e seja morto, e ressuscite ao terceiro dia. E dizia a todos:
Se alguém quer vir após mim, negue-se a si mesmo, e tome cada dia a sua cruz, e siga-me." (Lucas 9)
"It happened, as he was praying, the disciples were with him, and asked them, saying,
Whom say the people who I am?
They answered and said, John the Baptist, others Elijah, and others that one of the ancient prophets ressuscitou.E told them: And who do you say I am? And Peter answering said, The Christ of God.and, admonishing them, and commanded that no man that thing, saying: It is necessary that the Son of man must suffer many things andbe rejected of the elders and scribes and be killed And raised the third day.
And he said to all:
If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and followme. "(Luke 9)
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